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deafblind community

of texas

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THANK YOU!  Your donation provides a wonderful, fun, meet friends like me week!  It covers room and board for one of our beloved volunteers and it provides scholarship funds to cover the cost of camp for a first-time applicant who may not be able to afford the cost!

THANK YOU!  Your donation goes beyond the campgrounds and back to communities where the trained volunteers put their skills to use!  Your donation may help an individual who is DeafBlind get to the grocery store, get to the doctor, or just get out of their house for a cup of coffee with a friend!  

We cannot show you the impact of your donation outside the campgrounds, but we can show you some highlights within the campgrounds!  THANK YOU!

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Please designate how you would like the donation used:
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If donation is in honor of someone, please provide their name.
 Payment frequency
Address of individual in honorarium
If making this donation in honor of someone, please provide a mailing address for the honorarium letter to be mailed.

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213 S Roy Reynolds Drive



Call: (254) 300-7775

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